GA 2.00


GA 2.00
September 26th, 2019
Ibrahim (name changed for confidential reasons) is a second generation Moroccan American. He was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, but moved back to Morocco at age three (2002) and spent the next four years of his life there with his brother. In Morocco he attended Quranic school before moving back to the United States where he spent the rest of his education in public schools. After graduating from Whittier Regional Technical Vocational High School, Ibrahim, encouraged by his father went on to study mechanical engineering at the University of Massachusetts (Lowell). Later transferring to Northern Essex Community College to pursue an exclusively self-motivated major in business. As Ibrahim grew older, his early religious influence was challenged by his newly accepted American sense of rebellion, forcing inconsistency within his identity. This internal conflict promoted feelings of confusion and curiosity, pushing the need for research across several religions, finally arriving at the hardworking, determined, and free-spirited identity he holds today. Although this was a tough time in his life, he no longer feels victimized by stereotypes regarding Muslim men and expressed great appreciation for his American heritage as it allows him to chase the “American Dream”.
Muslim, American, Moroccan, Free spirit, Identity, OralHistory, Disability
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GA 2.00

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